Monday, January 31, 2011

come and go

Stuck inside a hole that the lonesome digger dug. And who the blame shall wrath upon, I AM the only one.-CC

my thoughts are so loud i can't hear my mouth-MM

can't be sleeping with a mind arunnin

i understand

Sunday, January 30, 2011


There is no peace here war is never cheap dear
Love will never meet it it just gets sold for parts
You cannot fight it all the world denies it
Open up your eyelids and let your demons run

black rebel motorcycle club

i am once again,

lost in the wind.

swallowed by fate

stuck in freedom

with an untracked mind

im out of place

i am gone

i am fine

let me go

im out of time

im out of breathe

im out of mind

i’ll be gone

i’ll be fine

and go i will

i’ll go out there

to the place

i had left behind

i can go there now

even though

i am full of nothing

nothing i know

Like an outdated map, my borders are changing

nothing, i don't need it all

i lay my head
to rest in fear
as my eyes slowly
become a tear
with nothing more
i can do
i lay to sleep
and dream of you
the lonely dream
stuck now in my head
what to do
in this empty bed
lay me down
let me go

stay with me
i just don't know

then tomorrow
it will come

and then soon it
too will be done

i will lay my empty head
lay it down and go to bed

Saturday, January 29, 2011

leave me

no more smiles

saw a young girl today,
she smiled at me
with nothing to say,
she took a step
out to the world
not a bit scared
a brave little girl
a saw her go,
i watched her leave
i hope shes got some
tricks up her sleeve

Row, row, row your boat
Gently Down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

erin smith

shes a sweetie ..i dig this song she made

a break of the heart

Friday, January 28, 2011

violet the pilot

me good friend violet took this photo, i really really liked it, she's just dandy.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

good night

pray for the people inside your head

up again

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Matthew 26:41

I miss the days
when you smiled
at me,
as if
there was
nothing else
to see. -dee dee

simple twist of fate

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

yet to be found

let you keep on living

when everything is lonely i can be my own best friend

in the deepest darkest hole, nowhere nothing i have lost my soul,
wanting to leave this vicious world, but stuck i am the loneliest girl, set me free i hope soon you will, but for now i sit silent and still, the tears they soon will start to flow, from deep within my empty soul, i'll try once again to be free, but stuck i am in the darkness of me.

good bye to my love

again my love has let me down,
i can not see my world around,
i want it all to go away,
lost in thought
its time to fade,
i hear these names
i see theses faces,
all i want is to go new places,
but here i stand and here i stay,
hoping still it will go away,
the time has come and no one is here,
and i'm still waiting for you to appear,
but will you come i just don't know,
so for now i've got to let love go.

Monday, January 24, 2011

...i can't sleep

empty brain, empty soul

as if it was effortless

Right now, though, I feel weak.

what to do.

age, but never get old

sweet movie

never, always

the wind blows with sorrow
as if there is no tomorrow
the sun shines its light
as if everything is alright
the ocean rolls steady
as if my lone heart was ready
the stars still shine bright
as if you were plain in sight
the mountains still remain high
as if you never said good bye
The trees they stand tall
as if this means nothing at all
the roads they still wind
as if we were all blind
the people still sit
as if waiting for life to hit
but me, i go,
i go
as if i didn't know

running from the coast

one more touch

some time, some day

Friday, January 21, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

at least i can say i tried,

went all around
this lonesome town.
searched for happiness
it wont be found.
i saw the rich
i saw the poor.
saw some love
but not much more.
looked around
for some one to meet.
but all i found
was an empty street.
perhaps this is how
its meant to be
with happiness
far from me.
or maybe not.
loves all i got.

Friday, January 14, 2011

bunny bud

i like this.

i like you.

i like.

i love.

another day it has come
another day my work is done
time for me to go on home
my love is waiting all alone
long ago, the days went on
everything feel so wrong
i wanted you to be here
i wanted your love to be near
and now i sit with you so close
i've forgotten everything i should have known
but i don't care give it all way
as long as for now with me you stay